Bachelor of Science in Nutrition Study Program

Bachelor of Science in Nutrition Study Program

Vision of Study Program

To make nutrition education program at Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia the center of excellence for education, research and service of nutrition science in Indonesia and international.

Mission of Study Program

  1. To implement qualified nutritional science education programs
  2. To institutionalize Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia as the national center for nutritional science development with emphasis on nutritional problem-solving ability and to improve individual and public health in globalization era
  3. To conduct scientific research in nutrition science
  4. To implement community service in nutrition science
  5. To form good personality of civitas with high moral values

Aims of Study Program

Nutrition Study Program aims to obtain Bachelors of Nutrition who are capable of:

  1. Mastering theories and science and technology of nutrition as well as related sciences (food, biomedical, humanities and management sciences) deeply and capability of solving nutrition problems of individuals, groups and community in procedural by considering:
    • Efforts for food fulfillment from quality, quantity, diversification and food security perspectives for domestic and international needs
    • Emerging problems because of epidemiological transition in the field of nutrition
    • The rapid growth of food industry and the increasing number and quality demand of food and nutrition service institutions
    • The increasing prevalence of both infectious and non-infectious diseases that need more professional management
    • The least achievement in sports
  2. Implementing nutrition science and technology systematically through promotion, prevention, curation and rehabilitation efforts as well as capability of being adaptable to any situation faced
  3. Making the right decisions in the field of nutrition based on information analysis, and providing alternative solutions for nutritional problems independently and in groups
  4. Being responsible of authorization and work on nutrition and the achievement of nutrition work results performed or given both individually and in groups by considering internal and external systems of organization
  5. Having creativity and strength to develop nutrition services, culinary and food products
  6. Managing nutrition programs in the fields of institution and public health starting from planning to evaluation with adequate theoretical and conceptual basis of knowledge

General Competencies of Bachelor of Science in Nutrition

  • Capability of thinking widely (metacognitive) with scientific basis
  • Capability of explaining basic theories, nutrition science and technology and related science in structured
  • Capability of implementing nutrition science and technology in solving individual, group and public nutritional problems through nutritional status assessment
  • Capability of communicating effectively in counseling, nutrition education and dietetic services to handle individual, group and public nutritional problems in accordance with assessment results and consideration of implications.
  • Capability of independently managing nutrition services based on standard nutrition assessment
  • Capability of making decisions in the process of individual, group and public nutritional problem solving through nutritional status assessment
  • Capability of developing promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative nutrition services and capability of being adaptable to limited resources condition
  • Capability of working in team and being responsible for independent or in-group work results and having critical attitude, empathy to clients and work team at internal and external levels of organization
  • Capability of designing nutrition education by using media and methods compatible with characteristics of target
  • Capability of designing food performance at institutions by implementing management concepts
  • Capability of developing business plans for programs, products or services, including budget development, staff needs, requirements for facilities, equipments and supply
  • Capability of conducting research in the field of nutrition in groups

Number of Credits

Structure of courses at Nutrition Bachelor Degree Program consists of:

University Core Courses 18 Credits
Health Science Cluster Core Courses 16 Credits
Faculty Core Courses 14 Credits
Study Program Core Courses 90 Credits
Final Task 6 Credits
Total 144 Credits