Occupational Health and Safety

Occupational Health and Safety

Building C, 1st Floor Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia, Depok

T : (+6221) 786 3487, (+6221) 7884 9033, (+6221) 787 4503

F : (+6221) 786 3487

Head of Department : Indri Hapsari Susilowati, SKM, MKKK, Ph.D

Secretary                    : Mila Tejamaya, S.Si, MOHS, PhD

OHS Laboratory

 ILO reports that one worker died every 15 seconds because of accidents at workplace or work-related ill. Every 15 seconds, there are 160 accidents at work in the world1. In Indonesia, it is reported that within the last 5 (five) years, cases of accidents at work increase from 96,134 cases in 2009 to 103,285 cases in 20132. Social Security Agency (BPJS Ketenagakerjaan), or formerly known as PT Jamsostek records that in Indonesia, not less than 9 people died caused by accidents at workplace everyday2where the number of death caused by work in the United Kingdom as comparison only reaches 2 people per day3. Because of this high number of accidents at work, efforts to prevent accidents at work or work-related ill are needed.

Occupational Health and Safety Science that is part of Public Health Sciences is a study and art in management of dangers (anticipation, recognition, evaluation and control) at work place that potentially decrease workers’ prosperity and health levels4. By safe and healthy work environment, productivity of company will increase and it supports the sustainability of the company’s business. Moreover, the demands of national and international regulations require companies to implement occupational health and safety at workplace, so implementation of occupational health and safety becomes very important.

Therefore, due to the high needs of occupational health and safety graduates to support the implementation of occupational health and safety at workplaces as well as the development of science and technology which affects on dynamic condition of workplace, Department of Occupational Health and Safety develops occupational health and safety studies. Five studies of occupational health and safety at Department of Occupational Health and Safety Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia that are multidisciplinary as follows:

  1. Occupational health
  2. Occupational safety
  3. Ergonomics
  4. Industrial Hygiene
  5. Human Factor and behavior in occupational health and safety

Department of Occupational Health and Safety Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia manages Bachelor Program in Public Health Sciences with Occupational Health and Safety major (regular and extension) and Master of Occupational Health and Safety Study Program. Accreditation result of BAN-PT (National Accreditation Body for Higher Education) for the Master of Occupational Health and Safety Study Program is A.


Basics of Occupational Health and Safety Chemistry and Physics of Occupational Health and Safety Occupational Physiology Regulations and Policies in Occupational Health and Safety Occupational Health Ergonomy Industrial Hygiene Human Factor in Occupational Health and Safety Safety Basics Electives Management of Chemical Hazard and Biomonitoring Management of Physical Hazard (ionized and non-ionized radiations, heat stress, illumination and barometric) Ergonomy Study and Application Human Factor Assessment Safety Risk Management Work-Related Diseases and Surveillance Noise and Vibra Management Management of Air Quality inside Room and Industrial Ventilation Pre-Design Assessment Psychosocial Dangers and Risks at Workplace Human Error and Its Prevention Fire and Main Dangers Accident and Investigation Concept Electives Leadership in Occupational Health and Safety Maintenance and Improvement of Occupational Health Occupational Health Service Industrial Toxicology Food Hygiene and Industrial Sanitation Industrial Hygiene Practicum Public Safety Electives Safety Programs and Implementation Field Work Practices Undergraduate Thesis Principles of Occupational Health and Safety Human Factor in Occupational Health and Safety Management of Occupational Health and Safety Ergonomy Design and Assessment Worker Health Promotion Industrial Hygiene Management Safety Principles Risk Management of Occupational Health and Safety Occupational Health and Safety Research Methodology Advanced Industrial Toxicology Fire and Explosion Management Publication
Postgraduate Thesis

Lecturer Staff