Asnawi Abdullah

Asnawi Abdullah


Prof. Asnawi Abdullah, S.KM, MHSM, MSc, PhD

Asnawi Abdullah is a professor in Public Health and the Dean for Faculty of Public Health at Universitas Muhammadiyah Aceh. As a professor, his research interest is in epidemiology of chronic diseases, health system, modeling risk factors, health financing, risk factors and obesity, particularly in the context of developing countries. He has been appointed as the Dean for the Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Muhammadiyah Aceh since February 2011 until now.

Asnawi Abdullah has received several degree and quality educations from renowned universities in the world. He obtained his Bachelor of Science degree from the Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia on 1994. He graduated on the same year as Ukik Kusuma Kurniawan. After receiving his bachelor’s degree, he works as a Planning and Research Officer for the Banda Aceh Provincial Health Office on 1995. On 2000, he went to study abroad at Monash University to learn about Health Services Management and graduated a year later.

On 2005, he took a double master’s degrees at the London School of Economics and Political Science and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, where he learned more about Health Policy Planning and Financing. He graduated with a Master of Science degree on 2006. After his graduation, he went back to Monash University to obtain his doctorate’s degree in Public Health which he completed in three years. While trying to finish his study, he became a Health System Research Officer for the Nossal Institute for Global Health at University of Melbourne. He come back to Indonesia on 2011 and become the Dean for the Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Muhammadiyah Aceh since then.