Internship Opportunity at PT Pulauintan Bajaperkasa Konstruksi

Internship Opportunity at PT Pulauintan Bajaperkasa Konstruksi

PT Pulauintan Bajaperkasa Konstruksi (PT Pulauintan) is a construction company based in North Jakarta, DKI Jakarta. Established in 1990, PT Pulauintan has evolved to be a respectable building contractor in Indonesia. The company’s diverse portfolio encompasses commercial buildings (offices, hotels, malls, apartments, etc), industrial buildings (factories, warehouses, etc.), educational and social related buildings (schools, religion related buildings) and so on.

Like any other construction company, PT Pulauintan often offers internship opportunities for students who major in Occupational Health and Safety as well as for students who major in Environmental Health. In 2021, there was a student from the Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia who got the chance to intern there. The student was majoring in Occupational Health and Safety and they intern at PT Pulauintan for three months. During the internship period, the student was assigned to conduct safety training, safety inspection and safety induction, as well as planning a risk management plan for the company’s latest construction project.